Wednesday 22 April 2015

Hello world! The dinosaur world book is in final editing tonight, then will be sent to print!! Exciting stuff! Determined to get this one out and ready for when (possibly) one of the best films this year comes out...JURASSIC WORLD! OMG I can't wait....pleeeeease be good!! PLEASE!! In the mean time, here's a few of the sketch pages from the Dinosaur World book...

T-Rex page...with the tail end of the Spinosaurus :) favourite dino :)

I should probably add, it hasn't taken me this long since the first post to draw these books out... I had to stop designing the dinosaurs as I was pregnant and it hurt my back on stomach to lean over the table! haha!
It's just taken a few years to get back in to it all again and get Marley's World out there! 

Friday 14 October 2011

Marley's Dinosaur World COMING SOON!!

The third book in the series is still in the character development stage! The front and back covers are done though! Keep an eye out on the other Marley's World blogs for a notification of when it's ready!! Links above. Thanks xx

Front cover

Back cover